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Running    0
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© Arne Elofsson

SciLifeLab Logotype nbis Logotype
SeRC Logotype Stockholm University logotype EGI logotype

Server status

Total number of sequences in local queue: 0
Total number of sequences in remote queue: 78766

Statistics (since 2015-02-23)

Number of finished sequences: 27485753
Number of finished jobs: 538599 (of which 280996 via web and 257597 via wsdl)
Number of unique users (by IP address): 48718
Number of countries the jobs have been submitted from: 123  (details)

List of most active users:

Sorted by number of jobs

IP Country NumJob NumSeq
130.237.*.* Sweden 29860 29997
85.229.*.* Sweden 24643 27611
212.87.*.* Poland 20037 20037
64.225.*.* United States 15529 15529
132.76.*.* Israel 14719 29255
153.246.*.* Japan 12577 32459
130.229.*.* Sweden 12079 12079
130.229.*.* Sweden 10222 10222
64.225.*.* United States 9933 9933
132.76.*.* Israel 6502 33387

Sorted by number of sequences

IP Country NumJob NumSeq
103.158.*.* N/A 249 956612
146.244.*.* United States 18 736249
18.79.*.* United States 189 639378
193.225.*.* Hungary 119 516111
218.6.*.* China 5 502098
130.229.*.* Sweden 462 472579
96.89.*.* United States 315 458510
144.173.*.* United Kingdom 9 385401
202.41.*.* India 150 379894
137.248.*.* Germany 955 377548

Frequency of submission over time:

By number of jobs
By number of sequences

Running time of query sequences:

The sequences profiles of TOPCONS might be built by three methods.
  • Pfam: when Pfam domains can be found for the query sequences.
  • CDD: when Pfam domains cannot be found, but CDD (Conserved Domain Database) domains are found for the query sequences.
  • Uniref: when neither Pfam domains nor CDD domains can be found for the query sequences, a blast searching in Uniref90 is done.
Average running time
Average running time

Average running time versus length of query sequences
average running time versus sequence length

Dot plot for running time versus length of query sequences
running time versus sequence length

Response time of submitted jobs versus number of sequences of jobs

Since the response time of submitted jobs might be affected by the server downtime, the median value for each bin is used.

Waiting time
Waiting time of jobs Total running time
Waiting time of jobs

Number of sequences of submitted jobs

A job with one or several sequences can be submitted via the form on the web-page or by the command line script using WSDL service. size of submitted jobs

Proteins predicted with signal peptide vs those without