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© Arne Elofsson

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Statistics of finished jobs by countries

Country Numseq Numjob NumIP
United States 8168133 136301 12402
China 3411969 63471 5506
India 2281015 13030 1778
Sweden 1883185 113075 1552
Germany 1555371 20233 3157
United Kingdom 1543849 29262 4167
Netherlands 963157 2510 637
Hungary 754213 811 105
Japan 722627 22204 1246
Brazil 549381 3868 834
Argentina 437832 6053 664
Canada 409989 7909 1913
Italy 394531 3745 1198
Denmark 346272 1870 260
Czechia 272694 4162 865
Spain 254040 2426 642
Thailand 240513 461 192
Greece 235912 2303 662
France 191228 7685 1226
Israel 139302 23952 443
Belgium 132886 2156 319
Hong Kong 120841 891 319
Korea, Republic of 114073 4764 635
Russian Federation 102287 749 173
Philippines 94861 10162 73
Norway 93748 525 196
Poland 82986 20881 212
Australia 82326 2951 781
Finland 80445 1688 238
Austria 78328 1005 189
Taiwan, Province of China 77111 2569 405
New Zealand 69739 2208 189
Switzerland 67925 3792 750
Chile 53713 1674 400
Malaysia 53419 403 141
Sri Lanka 47268 85 21
Syrian Arab Republic 44049 15 12
Mexico 41411 3539 858
Uruguay 31939 243 35
Ukraine 31012 96 17
Indonesia 25822 1031 536
Latvia 25551 366 26
Bangladesh 24669 47 20
Luxembourg 24558 97 16
Morocco 18171 16 10
Portugal 17766 1416 192
Viet Nam 14133 65 31
Cyprus 13021 35 14
Ireland 12461 103 51
Iran, Islamic Republic of 9328 1656 561
Pakistan 5840 770 282
Colombia 5675 201 98
Singapore 4945 1444 355
South Africa 4862 1233 164
Peru 3850 46 31
Egypt 2066 77 46
Cameroon 2034 119 42
Saudi Arabia 1962 95 29
Macedonia, Republic of 1944 47 1
Bahrain 1311 17 11
Slovakia 1238 202 65
Romania 1211 372 100
Turkey 890 307 122
Algeria 837 718 103
Croatia 710 632 19
Réunion 551 7 2
United Arab Emirates 458 364 145
Bulgaria 393 37 7
Tunisia 278 191 28
Liechtenstein 154 10 2
Slovenia 146 73 16
Ecuador 124 34 26
Puerto Rico 107 80 29
Panama 73 7 3
Nigeria 66 60 22
Ghana 60 60 19
Armenia 51 48 11
Seychelles 44 30 12
Estonia 38 23 9
Palestine, State of 28 22 3
Lithuania 24 24 14
Serbia 16 16 6
Oman 15 15 11
Anguilla 15 15 7
Macao 14 14 9
Uganda 14 14 9
Iraq 11 11 8
Kenya 11 11 6
Lebanon 10 10 7
Nepal 10 10 4
Qatar 9 9 7
Belarus 9 9 4
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 9 9 2
Costa Rica 8 8 3
Iceland 6 6 5
Albania 6 6 3
Sudan 5 5 4
Cuba 5 5 3
Malta 5 3 1
Moldova, Republic of 4 4 4
Curaçao 4 4 3
Jordan 4 4 3
Monaco 4 4 2
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 3 3 2
Trinidad and Tobago 3 3 1
Belize 3 3 2
Kuwait 2 2 2
Uzbekistan 2 2 1
Madagascar 2 2 2
Gabon 2 2 1
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 1 1
Kazakhstan 1 1 1
Montenegro 1 1 1
Côte d'Ivoire 1 1 1
Togo 1 1 1
Tanzania, United Republic of 1 1 1
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1 1 1
Benin 1 1 1
Isle of Man 1 1 1
Azerbaijan 1 1 1
Mongolia 1 1 1
Ethiopia 1 1 1
Burkina Faso 1 1 1
Papua New Guinea 1 1 1